Arum italicum pictum
By Siris

10 Dec, 2018
Leaves on Arum italicum pictum emerge in Autumn then disappear early Summer. Has red berries.
Comments on this photo
I really like them :). It looks happy
11 Dec, 2018
That's lovely. I've never seen one with a plain green border before! Does it come true from seed? (though they seem a bit reluctant to self seed if my Marmoratum is anything to go on)
I don't think I could bring myself to weed out a wild one if one ever appeared!
11 Dec, 2018
Thanks, Dawn. I think the markings are glorious.
Stera, I think the markings can be very variable if grown from seed. This was a rhizome from a friend's plant, so as a clone, comes true to the original.
There are other cultivars, Chameleon, Edward Dougal & Godzilla with different markings.
11 Dec, 2018
Lovely we have a few dotted around the garden, didn't realise there were different cultivars, ours just appeared!
14 Dec, 2018
I bought my first one as I’ve always liked them, even the wild ones are nice in my eyes. My daughter, who obviously knows my love of gardening said she had some plants for me, she had walked into town in her lunch break and the street she walks along has big old Victorian houses with most of them being converted into care homes or child day nurseries. On the pavement outside one of these houses were carrier bags with a note saying ‘please help yourself’, so she did :-) and it contained Arum italicim, so now I have quite a few dotted around, I’ve trained her well.
16 Dec, 2018
You have indeed Dawn....
16 Dec, 2018
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12 Feb, 2018
This is a replacement plant for the one I had years ago,but lost. Think I weeded it out when dormant, along with the wild Lords & Ladies, the berries of which the birds bring in.
11 Dec, 2018