This crow and her partner visit my little garden and she's been having a drink out of the bird bath.
By Lindak
- 11 Jan, 2019
Comments on this photo
Thanks DD. She was very nervous but she is getting used to us now.
14 Jan, 2019
They can become quite tame I believe in time.
14 Jan, 2019
We usually get three Pied Wagtails visit us every day in the winter, but this year only one. We moved this stone birdbath when we had our side fence renewed in December and the birds prefer it here so we are keeping where it is. I think it is because they have a good view all round and feel safer. Gerry made the birdbath from old stones found in the ground when we had our smallholding.
15 Jan, 2019
Great capture its nice to have visitors.
17 Jan, 2019
It certainly is lovely to see the birds. At the end of this month it is the RSPB birdwatch weekend.
18 Jan, 2019
Yes it's on the 26th - 28th is nt it. I wonder if there will be a dramatic fall with all this building on the green belts as I ve read here from a man that works for these developers they make loads more money from green belt land tan using brown fields his job is to find green belt land to build on.
18 Jan, 2019
They ought to build on the brown sites first Thrupennybit and make use of all the old buildings that stand empty. It's common sense really. If they keep on building on the green spaces the wildlife will suffer from it, and given time in the distant future, mankind will as well as nature is a chain reaction...and we are part of it. Our planet is a fine balance and that balance is being tested at the moment.
19 Jan, 2019
Yes it is a chain reaction Lindak which will create disease spreading rapidly as they are building cramming homes into every litlle bit of land then building on the green belt where will we get our fresh air from especially when they continue to try and sell our forests and woodlands off to big American big companies. I was bought up to believe local government also government worked for us but in reality they work for the super rich and like their selves can afford to live abroad having second homes away from what they create questions should be asked or rebel like the youth did in the 60s for the modern way of life governments are there for them selves not us as Paul Mac Cartney once said.
19 Jan, 2019
All I can say is that in the world we live in, I think leaders and governments seem to be working for themselves, and the power that they can achieve, and not what the ordinary people want. There is a hope, that out there are some good people trying their best to help those in need.
19 Jan, 2019
That is exactly what they are doing so your spot on there Lindak. I do donate my house hold goods cloths etc often to the Salvation Army as they look after the Homeless and elderly as I ve been homeless living out side with two young children when young which people then look down on me when they get to know this I ve learned to now look down on those type.
I don't donate to food banks as here families have been found out most have been going twice wife in the morning husband later on getting two lots instead of one.
19 Jan, 2019
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Well captured.....
13 Jan, 2019