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I might have suceed


By Aleyna

I might have suceed

A few months ago I posted a photo of my red amarilis. Balcony suggested one of his blogs, which shows how to reproduce amaryllis from the seeds, which form after the flowers have wilted. It seems I succeeded. The first leaves are coming up.

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Brilliant glad you ve been successful Alenya

4 Feb, 2019


That's great! Soon you will be ready to try crossing your Hippeastrum with other members of the Amaryllidaceae family.

4 Feb, 2019


Thanks Thrupennybit and Wylie.

5 Feb, 2019


Your welcome Alenya

5 Feb, 2019


Well done! Now you need lots and lots of patience while they grow to flowering size - keep us posted!

5 Feb, 2019


Thanks Steragram,
Those ones Balcony sowed took 4 years.... lots of patience for sure, but lots of excitment as well.

5 Feb, 2019


Congratulations ! :)

6 Feb, 2019


Congratulations, Aleyna! I'm glad to see they have germinated for you! 😀

6 Feb, 2019


Thank you Hywel :)

Thank you Balcony. I need your help and guidance. As you can see, I planted all the seeds in the same pot. Now I need to separate them. Do you suggest I let it grow a little longer, or should I remove it for individual pots while they are still small?

8 Feb, 2019


It is OK for the first season. I have several that have been in the original pots for 2 years, but after that they need to go into individual pots, keeping the root system as intact as possible. Best done when they go dormant. My xHippeastrelias (a cross between Hippeastrum and Sprekelia) are finally getting big enough to flower next year [fingers crossed], after 4 years.

8 Feb, 2019


Fingers crossed!Waiting for the posts when the it bloom.

8 Feb, 2019


Aleyna ... Brilliant and well done. I'll definitely be trying that. <]:~)

14 Jun, 2019


Good luck Alan. Crossed fingers for you too

14 Jun, 2019


How are your seedling Amaryllis doing, Aleyna?

20 Jun, 2019


Those that I planted in the sowing pots have not yet given a sign of life. Those that had already sprouted (the ones in the photo) the leaves dried up. But it is winter and all the amarillis and lilies have dried the leaves.

20 Jun, 2019


I always kept my Amaryllis seedlings awake during the first 2 years. They really are too small to hibernate so soon. I never let mine hibernate till the end their 3rd year. I hope yours sprout again when it's spring!

23 Jun, 2019

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