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Digitalis Lantra Cafe Creme.

Digitalis Lantra Cafe Creme.

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I shall look forward to seeing this in flower ,I had one once died :o(

4 Mar, 2019


Thank you Amy so will I lol that's such a shame yours died was it the weather that killed it?

4 Mar, 2019


I don't think so 3p I think it was planted in the wrong place and became crowded out my bigger plants :o(

5 Mar, 2019


Thank you for that Amy I ve kept this in a pot bought it last year so we'll see how it gets on left in a pot.

5 Mar, 2019


Good idea 3p ,

5 Mar, 2019


Thank you Amy I won't have no more plants put in the garden any way.

5 Mar, 2019

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