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Sobaria Sem..

Sobaria Sem.. (Sorbaria Sem....)

I love the new foliage on this shrub.

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Watch out for the suckers when its grown Dd they come up all round the shrub but then you can dig them up pot them on and sell on at your open garden day :o)

3 Mar, 2019


Meadow I agree, I wish the foliage stayed the same all through the year.....
Amy this was the one you sent me many years ago, and so far it has never suckered!

3 Mar, 2019


I thought I had sent one Dd but wasn't sure .. ..funny that , I wonder if they have male and female types ? I guess males would tend to wander more than female Lol ..

4 Mar, 2019


Beautiful. I suppose it just goes a dark green as it ages.

7 Mar, 2019


I love this shrub and had one at Willow Cottage , but haven't bought another yet. This garden is far smaller !

8 Mar, 2019


Rose this is a really small garden, doesn't take up too much room!
Feverfew it just goes green, which is a shame!

8 Mar, 2019


I also had this pretty shrub in our previous garden, but don’t remember it changing colour! Will look out for another one . . .

10 Mar, 2019

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