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More amarillys


By Aleyna

More amarillys

While the house is not ready, we have lunch at an Italian restaurant. Beside the sidewalk are flowering these native amarillys.

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That's a beauty Aleyna.

16 Mar, 2019


They are actually native to South Africa; and this, the Amaryllis belladonna, is the one commonly available (there is only one other Amaryllis species). You should try to find the white ones and darker pinks. Mine are not showing any signs of dying back, yet. If you are inclined to try hybridizing, these cross with a lot of the others in the family.

16 Mar, 2019


Thank you Thrupennybit, yesterday we went back for lunch and it was spetacular, dozen flowers openned. Then I figure that there were the same flowers spread in the gardens around in the city. Also in public areas and in our neighborhood, growing wild. Certainly no one would dare enter the middle of the trees, shrubs and puddles to plant the flowers. So it got me wondering about Wylieintheazores comment.

Wylie, you got me wondering about it, so I asked Dr. Gerdaff Lora, the expertise in native flowers from Rio Grande do Sul, were it is or not amaryllis and if they are or not native to our state.

23 Mar, 2019


The seeds are easy to spread. When they start popping out of the pods, just toss them around and leave them alone. Soon there will be lots of bulbs.
So what did Dr. Lora say? They are Amaryllis belladonna, but according to 'The Amaryllidacea of Southern Africa', they come from the Western Cape of South Africa (as does the other species, A.paradisicola). But it has been taken all over the world to mild winter areas.

23 Mar, 2019


That must of been a lovely sight to see.

23 Mar, 2019

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