The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Tiki-9 yr old 4.5 lb Poodle

Tiki-9 yr old 4.5 lb Poodle

Our precious Tiki Poodle-loves to cuddle-very quiet and well mannered - loves her toys and we hope soon she loves her little Sister Katie

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When I was a child I had black poodle called curly went everywhere with me even in my dolls pram as a puppy:)

10 Aug, 2008


Pretty poodle ~
The older they get,
the more we love them.
Poodles are generally long-lived,
so I reckon Tiki is not a veteran,
but at the age when 'life begins'.

7 Sep, 2008


the dogs are beautiful. As you can see I found you.

20 Sep, 2008

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