The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Bowl of beauty Peony

Bowl of beauty Peony

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Peonies are SO lovely - I would like to have the national collection!!!!
Three so far!

21 Jun, 2019


Three is a start Wildrose I would too love the whole collection but I would nt have room unless like my grandson said to my son to day other people flatten their garden to build extentions but with nan (me) it would be the house knocked down to extend the garden lol.

21 Jun, 2019


He will go far!!!

Good idea, no housework but a bit chilly at night time!

22 Jun, 2019


He already is rapidly rising far in his job he has risen to manager just with in a few years and knows more than top management who can not do what he knows his to boss has said.

Lol I don't do house work any way my daughter does that for me.

22 Jun, 2019

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