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Pachypodium species

Pachypodium species (Pachypodium)

My Pachypodium is flowering right now. It flowers during summer and fall. Photo taken July 23, 2019.

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Which one is that?
Mine only flowered ..sort of...once. It started to bud in September or October. Before it opened..days got cool,short,and they just aborted. This was with P.lamerei.

27 Jul, 2019


It's an unknown species from Madagascar. I purchased it many years (16 years) ago from the Dry Garden Garden Nursery here in San Diego.

My Neighbor down the street has the typical Pachypodium lameri. They seems to be in bloom from Spring - Fall. They're really tall plants (8 - 10 ft) tall.

29 Jul, 2019


I planted a very small once in 2006. Its now pushing 6' Two branches. I have two now about the same size...but one was the tallest until a hard 32f 3 years ago. It lost 12" of trunk. I was lucky not to lose the whole plant.
The other older? It was in ground and is fine. The large had been in a pot..its now in ground also.
I'm planting many things that were in pots.

1 Aug, 2019


I know Pachypodiums are pretty hardy, they just don't like cold, wet soil.

3 Aug, 2019


I just potted up a dwarf Pachypodium saundersii. I bought that 11 years ago from UC Berkeley. It never gets the long really looks like a big hand. It's never flowered. I know our days are warm enough, I think the cool nights prevent it.

4 Aug, 2019


I've seen that one for sale here. I'm not too familiar with it, though. Some really like very dry conditions to flower.

5 Aug, 2019


I've thought a lot of why some tropicals grow so slow for me. I think it comes down to..I just don't have many spots that get sun all day to night. I saw a potted Plumeria by the old ( knocked down) Kaiser Hospital on was a month ahead of mine. That plant had all the sun we have.
My home,rental units..and tree's I never should have planted cut the light down for me.
Our cool summer nights will always be a factor too. Summer temps here are what most greenhouses are kept at all winter..70's. But,light and 58f summer nights hold things down.

6 Aug, 2019

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