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Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Queen of the Night

Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Queen of the Night (Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Queen of the Night)

My Queen of the Night is going to flower tonight. Photo taken July 23, 2019.

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I bet it's spectaxular

26 Jul, 2019


Ohhhh Goodness! would love to see that... (smell it too!)

26 Jul, 2019


Unfortunately, I didn't get pics of the flowers. I have taken some pics in the past. I just have to catch the flowers open at around 11:00 p.m or midnight. The flowers only bloom at night like Dragon fruit.

29 Jul, 2019



It doesn't have a fragrance.

29 Jul, 2019


Here's a pics of my E. oxypetalum flower from a few years back.

29 Jul, 2019


Ill take a look thanks

29 Jul, 2019


I must have it confused with something else... it happens! lol.. Does the dragonfruit flower have a scent?...

29 Jul, 2019



No, the dragonfruit doesn't have much of a scent, either. The only one I know which has a really good scent is Epiphyllum 'Golden Charms' I have many. It flowers a lot and the flowers have a very sweet scent.

Here's a pic:

30 Jul, 2019

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