MANGO taken flight. 8 year voyage to get here.
By Stan510

2 Sep, 2019
I remember on GOY,hoping it would be as tall as the 3' white fence one day. THEN,hoped it would someday be as tall as the 6' redwood fence. THEN,hoped it would reach roofline.
NEVER tried so hard to grow something in my life!
Comments on this photo
It's looking very healthy and lush! I know this year hasn't been that good of a mango year...especially compared to last year's bumper crops!
3 Sep, 2019
It has a half dozen..yeah,I know. I'm hoping next year will be much better. I pruned very hard the Sapote tree that made the left side shady. It's a very productive tree that gives more than we can eat even reduced.
It's been a good growth year for the Mango trees. Both tree's flushed three times over the summer with a spattering of minor flushes.
I've been mulching much more this year..getting plants in ground and out of pots. Same water or less for much better growth. I cant handle the potted plant ranch of Cactus or succulents..just too intensive,and they do better in ground after all.
UNLESS!..they are uber tender for your climate. Those I still have in pots.
3 Sep, 2019
Oh,Ster...maybe next month. They are of size..just not colored up yet.
3 Sep, 2019
It's been like that with me and my Strelitzia Nicolai Stan and after all these years I still only have half a dozen five foot leaves.
3 Sep, 2019
Success! Congrats, Stan!
3 Sep, 2019
Thank you Lori. I was wondering if the day would ever come that it would be a tree. For one in the bay area,they are only sold as small 2' seedlings. Unlike stone fruits that you can buy as 5' plants or more with a trunk. So,you have to grow out the difference. Adding more years.
Here's hoping for a perfect winter..lots of rain, snow in the mountains..then it stops in a warm pollinator happy spring!
4 Sep, 2019
Glad to hear you have some fruit - fingers crossed it will all ripen beautifully.
4 Sep, 2019
It's great you're getting such good growth this year. The mango trees here are going through a large flush of growth in the horrible heat and humidity we had for two weeks! Ugh! Yesterday and today was so nice and comfortable, though.
11 Sep, 2019
80F today and about 90f the next two days. But short lived as we drop back to the 70's after that.
I have to post the Papaya..its a strong 12" or so.
Did I mention that this is the first year I've pruned growth off this tree? I'm not sure if I ever will prune it for being too tall. Not in this climate. But I did take off a crooked third trunk and straggly low branches.
I look at both my trees and..its really something to see a dream come true. Mango trees in Hayward.
12 Sep, 2019
stan: on another site I've seen reports of snow on the Cal/Nevada border.. Already! is that a good omen?
18 Sep, 2019
I think. Incredibly Lori we had a 36C day on Saturday ( a record too) and on Monday it rained!
In my 6 decades of living's NEVER gone from hot to rain in 48 hours. 96f is hot..Monday 70f and rains. Incredible!
18 Sep, 2019
That's crazy weather! It was suppose to cool down for us here in San Diego on Monday, it didn't, though! It was HOT!
19 Sep, 2019
After Lori's post.. I saw yes,the snow covered mountains. Jet skis with a coating of snow-ha.
Back to back RECORD hot Friday (96f) and Saturday (96f)..rain Monday. Today more rain in Oakland..but Hayward just got clouds.
Mangos are looking great.
I also am going to check out those mini greenhouse sold at Harbor Freight.
My one Croton is just getting its color back..but wont take another winter in rains. A little greenhouse to boost sun and keep it dry in cool will help.
19 Sep, 2019
4 small Mangoes is the total. But!..bypassing fruiting has made for some great growth all summer. Right now- those tips in the photo are flushing again. When it comes to Mango growth? This has been my best summer ever.
Still,crazy that this plant when shoulder high had more and larger fruit then this year. May really ruined that.
21 Sep, 2019
Sorry I didn't respond to this comment a while back. I've been super busy the last few months.
Your mango tree looks awesome. Hopefully, next summer it will be full of hundreds of mangoes! A super productive year is coming in 2020.
The mango trees here have been flowering for the last couple of months. I've noticed small mangoes on the trees now. It's very surprising because it's been pretty wet here the last month. Next week will be rainy week for Christmas, also.
My little mango tree is looking like it's going to flush growth. I can't believe it's waiting until the first day of winter to do it! :>/
Have you seen Gary Gragg's furthest north growing mango tree video? It's in Pittsburgh.
Here it is just in case.
21 Dec, 2019
I saw it. Pittsburgh gets pretty cold I thought in winter..but looking at the climate data..they have milder winter lows and warmer highs than I do here. Summers there are like Pleasanton,winters like SF lows. A great microclimate.
So far it's been a very mild winter..and lots of rain.
My pink Guava has fruit..ripe on it. First time for me. I planted it 3 years ago.
21 Dec, 2019
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The reward of patience. When do you expect fruit?
2 Sep, 2019