Rostrinucula dependens - 2019
By Andrewr

10 Sep, 2019
Late flowering shrub for a position in sun. Up to five feet tall with a similar spread. Cut back hard in spring, but not too early as young growth is very susceptible to low temperatures
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It can be a little brittle. It's best in a sheltered position as it doesn't like cold winds
11 Sep, 2019
Thanks Andrew thats what I found
12 Sep, 2019
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Featured on: flowering shrubs
This photo is of species Rostrinucula dependens.
This photo is of "Rostrinucula dependens" in Andrewr's garden
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This looks nice and more compact than the Buddleja alternifolia (Weeping butterfly bush) I have which is very tall. I find mine very brittle is this one?
11 Sep, 2019