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Amaryllis with twisted scape about to open in kitchen 15th December 2019


By Balcony

Amaryllis with twisted scape about to open in kitchen 15th December 2019 (Amaryllis)

Amaryllis with twisted scape about to open in kitchen 15th December 2019

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I have one that is a little behind this one - H. cybister 'Evergreen'. 3 scapes! But to get it to open, I have it under a 300w grow light. We are having one of those storms that take a week to pass, so I turned on the extra light.

18 Dec, 2019


I don't think I've ever had 3 scapes on one bulb before! My bulbs rely on natural lighting - no artificial light for me.

This Amaryllis with the twisted scape is taking it's time to open! Nevertheless I expect the flowers to be open by the weekend. The scape is much straighter now & has lost its twists - almost!

19 Dec, 2019


I live on the north side of a hill, on a knoll. But across the street, there are cedars and metrosideros that are very tall and getting taller every year. I get almost no sun in my front yard, so to aid flowering, I use grow lights (monitoring power consumption, it uses only 100 watts). I had complained to them about the trees taking all my sun from October to February, but they say they need them for wind breaks. Trouble is, the bottom sections have no foliage, so the wind goes through there to the next set of trees they have, at least what doesn't get blocked by so many tall weeds that they can't even get in there.
My hippy is opening - 7 buds on one of the stems!

20 Dec, 2019


"My hippy is opening - 7 buds on one of the stems!" Do you have a couple of photos of it you could upload, Wylie? I'd love to see the plant - in bud as well as in flower!

22 Dec, 2019


Happy Christmas to everyone on GoY! :)

22 Dec, 2019

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