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Santa Rosa Plum and Brugmansia in bloom.


By Stan510

Santa Rosa Plum and Brugmansia in bloom.

Hoping to get some very sweet plums this year. Pray!

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Such pretty blossom you should get lots of plums . That Brugmansia is a lovely colour lots of blooms to Stan .

2 Mar, 2020


I think it was a bit potbound when I bought it in 2017. I sort of expected it be larger. But,i think it will really start to grow now..plant and it sleeps, second year it creeps,by the third year it leaps as the saying goes.
Hope so!

3 Mar, 2020


Mine was about as big as this plum when I had an allotment Stan. Yes let's hope it leaps a lot for you .

3 Mar, 2020


It's looking great! I see your Angel's Trumpets, also.

When I was in the SF Bay Area last week my allergies were horrible! It was because all the fruit trees were flowering.

4 Mar, 2020


Even I had some. Never had allergies before. Right now every street Bradford pear and Flowering Plum is in full flower.

7 Mar, 2020


Yes, they were beautiful lining Tennyson.

Have you seen the mango tree just before Gading road on the right going east above the sound wall? I was surprised to see it looking so great!

10 Mar, 2020


I've been watching it. Once it gets a little's going to be in full sun all day..then,it's going to take off. Probably Manila.

10 Mar, 2020


There's one above the wall on Mission Blvd in Union City close to the Fremont border. It looked very good.

13 Mar, 2020


Missed that last one. Any description of what its near?
Did you like the half mile of Wine palms? Or the trio of Mountain palms on Mission a little past the Masonic home?
I know the city parks guy who did all that and the rest of the exotics you see all over Union City. He moved! Sacramento. He told me,that people were complaining about the Brachychiton,and all the palms. Sounds like they just don't want plants they don't know and of course they don't know much about plants is obvious. The way the status quo wants things.

16 Mar, 2020

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