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Syzygium samarangense - Wax Jambu or Wax Apple

Syzygium samarangense - Wax Jambu or Wax Apple (Syzygium samarangense - Wax Jambu or Wax Apple)

These Wax Jambus are growing like crazy! They loved the rain we had in late November and December. I love the fruit on these trees! There's a flowering Dragon Eye or Longan (Dimocarpus longan) in the forefront on the left side of the pic. Photo taken on March 3, 2020 in San Diego, CA.

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What do these taste like Andy two together as well.

4 Mar, 2020


It's difficult to describe, different varieties have different ranges of sweetness. They're very good cold! So refreshing. :>))

4 Mar, 2020


Wish I could try one you never see them on sale here.

4 Mar, 2020


They are a very beautiful, ornamental shrub or tree! It's considered an ultra-tropical tree; however, it grows very well in San Diego's nice subtropical climate.

10 Mar, 2020


Explains why I dont see them here .

10 Mar, 2020


It's widely growing in Southeast Asia, and it's native to Malaysia.

13 Mar, 2020


Thanks for letting me know they are grown in S/ Asia and Malaysia.

13 Mar, 2020

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This photo is of species Syzygium samarangense - Wax Jambu or Wax Apple.

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