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Frithia pulchra

Frithia pulchra (Frithia pulchra (Fairy Elephants Feet))

One of the Baby Toes enjoying a little sun.

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Never heard them called Baby Toes, always Living Stones.

10 Apr, 2020


I started this year several varieties of Lithops from seed, which I have heard called Living Stones. It is hard to keep all the common names straight, and I am sure the Portuguese have a completely different name. When adding this photo, down in the botanical name section, the "helper" called them Fairy Elephant Toes.

10 Apr, 2020


I like the term Fairy Elephant Toes, that describes their form well.

11 Apr, 2020


Awe that us very pretty love the colour.

11 Apr, 2020


I immediately thought of "living Stones"! They are quite surprising, Wylie!

14 Apr, 2020


I thought living stones when I saw your other pic which reminded me of tortoise feet.

24 Apr, 2020

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