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Greenish Daffodil

Greenish Daffodil

St. Patrick's Day

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You know I did think there was a tinge of green on this one, before I noticed your caption. Nice though, bit different.

14 Apr, 2020


Is that it's name, like it.

14 Apr, 2020


Thanks - yes it starts off yellow, then fades to green as it matures. Very unique i thought. Had to have it. lol

Yes it called St. Patrick's Day

14 Apr, 2020


Thanks for the info.

15 Apr, 2020


Its lovely Paul yes unusual it is.

15 Apr, 2020


yes they look better every year and more of them. They have a nice scent as well.

20 Apr, 2020


Thats great having a scent too and it doubles up each year.

20 Apr, 2020

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