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Honeysuckle 'Gold Flame'

Honeysuckle 'Gold Flame'

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Pretty coloured flowers on this one.

19 May, 2020


Its a lovely one. I missed honeysuckle in my garden so much...I went and dug one out of the hedge and planted it against one of the 'hammock trees'. It's the lovely white and yellow one that has beautiful scent.

19 May, 2020


Thanks Kate ...

Karen, that must be the one we knew as Woodbine when we were children.

19 May, 2020


I do know the name Shirley, but it's gone to the back of my brain and I can't access my 'Garden' pages at the moment...hang on...I've an idea...'Halliana'..that's it.

19 May, 2020


I love it 'when it is honeysuckle time!'

19 May, 2020


Karen, I used to have this and see it is still listed on my garden pages. There is a photo from 2013 where you have commented it wouldn't start re-greening until April.

19 May, 2020


Lol...there you go Shirley!

19 May, 2020



20 May, 2020

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