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0150 1 - blooming hosta in early morning light.


By Lori

 0150 1 - blooming hosta in early morning light.

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Great capture here. Your hosta has an abundance of flowers too.

26 Jul, 2020


I know some people who grow hosta trim the blossom stems off because they don't want seed, and because they plant the hosta as a ground cover...hoping for a carpet effect, which the blossoms would distort. personally, I love the flowers and have been hoping to find a variety with scented flowers... the scented flowers are white and it's one of the older hostas. There's been a lot of sporting and crossing hybridization going on both in Japan and in the west. I'm becoming as obsessed with the hostas as I am with the hollyhocks...

26 Jul, 2020


Love the early morning light Lori, what time did you take these photos?

27 Jul, 2020


about 7 a.m., Janey. Ryott awakens me early, in need of a comfort stop. I remembered to take my camera with me, and while he played hide and seek with a chipmunk I got a few shots in that amazing light.

27 Jul, 2020


Sounds a lovely morning for you! Idyllic...
I’ve heard of people cutting the flower stalks off, I agree with you about keeping them intact. They are quite pretty.

27 Jul, 2020


It certainly does, so pleased you are enjoying your new life Lori..

27 Jul, 2020


it's true, Kate. love those little trumpets... July has been an amazing month most notable for the amount of rain and thunderstorms we've had... my garden is so stimulated it's fairly buzzing, and so are the bees. definitely idyllic!
oh that's nice of you Janey. We (hub and I) are learning to appreciate every season as it comes... we never expected anything like 2020 has given us, but we are appreciating the changes in nature and climate that the isolation has brought us. We're staying home!

28 Jul, 2020

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