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Butternut Squash

Butternut Squash

getting bigger!

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Showing my ignorance. For food or decoration? Pretty colour.

1 Aug, 2020


For food. Also called winter squash. Butternut Squash soup is a classic holiday dish. Can also be roasted - similar to a sweet potato but of course has its own flavor profile.

1 Aug, 2020


Very nice Paul ,I have gourds growing up everything in all shapes and sizes mainly for decoration .

2 Aug, 2020


It’ll be a delicious soup. Warm buttered bread to accompany it!

2 Aug, 2020


Those are fun Amy. They make great holiday decorations. I heard of one called luffa gourd. You can use it in the bath. My biggest challenge with these is keeping the squirrels away. They already stole a couple.

4 Aug, 2020


Naughty squirrels Paul , we have squirrels here but I haven,t noticed my Gourds disappearing ...

4 Aug, 2020


LOL picky eaters aren't they?

4 Aug, 2020


There's a cherry tree in the garden next door I think they prefer them .... easier to handle in their grubby little paws Haha

4 Aug, 2020


I grew these some years back the roots went on for ever its looking good.

4 Aug, 2020


That's good Dawn. We just had a hurricane yesterday and my squash was hanging on for dear life. They made it through, probably because of the long roots.

5 Aug, 2020


Hurricanes are so distructive Paul I hope every thing is ok there and did nt do to much damage at least your safe thats what counts. The only reason I know about the root systems which were white and thin is because I had mine in a 6ft long grow bed and the ròots went from one end to the other and coming back growing under the beet root and lettuces etc.

5 Aug, 2020


Everybody is OK that I'm aware of. Just a big mess to clean up from fallen trees and power outages. We got off easy...this time! The waters down south are still churning!

5 Aug, 2020


Glad to hear that you are o.k. after the storm Paul. When we had a lot of ground with the old lodge of 1795, we used to grow Butternut and they stored well in the garage for months, although the back wall of it was under ground. I love them roasted. I cheat and buy them in the shop now....

6 Aug, 2020


Thats good to hear your all alright. Yes the damage and mess it brings is so disheartening is nt it. I think we are lucky here in the UK as we dont get so much so often in damage also in terrible weather as often as other countries like yours.

6 Aug, 2020

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