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Tulip Shirley Double

Tulip Shirley Double

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Love these ... well I would wouldn't I??

3 Sep, 2020


Ah, how sweet! When I first joined GoY ten years ago, I was Megan something or another but changed to Shirley Tulip (long story) when my son bought me some Tulip bulbs of 'Negrita' and 'Shirley', bulbs long since gone now!

3 Sep, 2020


No, it is Shirley, but our cat is called Megan!!! Here's a story, I was Megan75 and my avatar was a yellow Aquilegia for ages. A male GoY member asked if I was Welsh because of the name and the Daffodil avatar so I had to correct him ... :o(

Then Megan cat began to appear in my pics and blogs so it made sense to ditch that user name.

Funnily enough, Hywel did the same as he used to be Blodyn, a cat he had back then, so it's not just me who does daft things ... :o)

3 Sep, 2020


Pretty bulbs. I have just bought my first 2 lots, but need to keep them cool until November. Promised myself I was not going to go mad and buy so many this year. I never know where to put them when they've finished in their pots. And I can't bear just to discard them so they end up straggling and dwindling through my borders... Do you keep yours in pots or plant them out, M'land?

3 Sep, 2020



4 Sep, 2020

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