Going for bold foliage of the year award.
By Stan510

5 Sep, 2020
I'm in the running. Pandanus with its stilt roots,Ficus 'Ruby" and her red foliage,Aloe polyphylla- the spiral Aloe,in the barrel,Cycas circinalis looking palm like by the side door of the house and in the background,tall,is the Howea/Kentia palm. Plus other things hard to see on GOY's limited image size. But if you see them,they are interesting-ha.
The Pandanus is on the stool because of its razor leaves and when low was a worry to passersby and kids...for winter,I have to make a more sturdy stand- cement blocks.
Some mature people around here like the collection..other youngers give me that sniff "Looks like Los Angeles"..that to me sounds more like a compliment.
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Good luck - let us know!
5 Sep, 2020
Thank you all. Reminds me of David Letterman's "This is just an exhibition,not a competition- so relax"..ha
A blue ribbon would have been nice...wink.
6 Sep, 2020
What a lovely assortment you have there displayed wonderfully I love your Cycas circinalis also Ficus Ruby.
6 Sep, 2020
The Cycas Penny is growing in an old claw foot bathtub..minus the claw feet that I guess we're too valuable. A friend had done some renovating about near 20 years ago now. She moved to Hawaii after she just had her home in Berkeley Ca. re done. Bought a Condo on the big Island.
She wasn't into gardening..she was into the beach scene. Much better in Hawaii!
7 Sep, 2020
Yes Stan those claw feet baths are expensive here now I feel privileged now to think thats what we bathed in as kids or the old tin bath lol
That was good your friend let you have it .
A lucky lady then to afford a Condo and move to Hawaii yes Hawaii looks lovely and better weather than we get here one sure fact Stan people in their droves coming here illegally from all over dont come here for our weather thats for sure.
7 Sep, 2020
Wow! Everything looks great! Your Howea has gotten very tall.
8 Sep, 2020
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‘Looks like a fantastic collection of exotics’ to me, Stan. Love the different shapes and colours. I think you’re definitely in the running for first place!
5 Sep, 2020