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Ataulfo Mango. Colorful.


By Stan510

Ataulfo Mango. Colorful. (Mangifera indica (Mango))

Nice rich warm yellow. Now,they are a bit smaller because the tree is small. As the tree gets larger,the fruit get larger. But they are still sweet and flavorful in half sizes.

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Looks good to me Stan.

14 Sep, 2020


Iā€™m green with envy! Lucky chap!

18 Sep, 2020


When I started it was a dream to grow them here and plenty told me they never would. I had I wasn't the first to pick them in the bay are,but I was pretty sure I was the one to bring it up on the local internet.
You see..I was told somebody had a Mango tree in the bay area in the 80's and it had fruit...then we had the 1990 big freeze and it died. But,since 1990 we have not had the kind of deeply cold freezes we had every 8-10 years over the bay area's history. Its just been the last 30 years that have been this mild. I think its the combo of World and Urban warming. 8 million people here now. Double of when I was born in the late 50's.
Really to live where the climate has changed in less than a lifetime has to be a rare thing? least until now!

20 Sep, 2020


Ok..after this one... I picked one the other day and I promise have never smelled a more mango scent than these little fruits gave was incredible. I've never had that happen with store bought.
It also was smoother fleshed than the Manila.
This Ataulfo is going to be a very tasty tree one day. Its 6 years old and in another 6 years at this rate will be a great little tree! *
*These will never be big or large trees here.

3 Oct, 2020


I can almost smell it from here Stan.

3 Oct, 2020


šŸ˜Ž Sunny California.....except for the

7 Oct, 2020

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