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First watercolour done with the left hand since my op.


By Lindak

First watercolour done with the left hand since my op.

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That's excellent!

15 Sep, 2020


Thanks both. Took me about 6 hours of painting in half hour sessions but I got there. My arm is going to take a long time to recover it's strength, but I'll get there.

16 Sep, 2020


Smashing watercolour, Linda! Love the colours too, eye catching. Hope your doing ok, now?

18 Sep, 2020


Slowly does it Linda. That's the best way.

18 Sep, 2020


Thanks Kate, Saw my physio mask to mask in the week and she gave me more exercises to do, In a sling for 8 and a half months with a rigid arm has given me a part frozen shoulder but I'm positive and I'm doing o.k. and hopefully the exercises will free it..... thanks everyone for your good wishes. I just feel for all the people who are waiting for operations still and can't get them because of what's happening with the virus. Let's just hope that they find a vaccination against the virus soon for everyone. I love this site and it's so lovely to share our plants, and wildlife from our gardens and walks. xxx

19 Sep, 2020


Good to hear, Linda. I can understand it must have been a dreadful year for you, with such an impact on your daily life. Hoping the exercises work now, having a frozen shoulder feels like a sort of slow progress to full recovery I’m sure. Yes, a vaccine would be a miracle, hopefully we’ll hear of one imminently!
I, like you and everyone else, love the site. It’s such a friendly, educational site to be part of. Xx

19 Sep, 2020

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