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Mangifera indica - Mango tree

Mangifera indica - Mango tree

My mango tree is putting out some new growth. It’s almost 6 ft tall now. It’s loving the very hot weather here. Photo taken September 10, 2020.

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The growth is quite big and it all looks very healthy at least some thing like the heat lol.

17 Sep, 2020



Yes, it’s a young tree. It’s putting out a lot of growth now. It was 101 degrees here today; it’s loving the heat!

18 Sep, 2020


It has attractive foliage, the green and the new reddish foliage too. It’ll be flourishing in the heat today!

18 Sep, 2020



It has more new growth coming out now.

20 Sep, 2020



It’s usually very hot and dry this time of year. September and October is when the hottest temps ever recorded occur. It’s holding true because a week ago some cities within San Diego county and the Los Angeles area had their all-time recorded highest temps.

A little more than a week ago Woodland Hills recorded 121 (49.4 C) degrees. It’s the hottest temperature ever recorded in Los Angeles County.

20 Sep, 2020

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