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Dahlia campanulata

Dahlia campanulata (Dahlia campanulata)

I think I have managed to identify this dahlia. It came from a seed I got from what turned out to be a less than honest dealer on eBay (who is no longer selling anything). It is a tall - 2 meters - plant with huge roots (far larger than a regular hybrid dahlia), and these distinctive drooping flowers. It blooms later than other dahlias.

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Very interesting - who wold have thought it was a Dahlia!

28 Nov, 2020


It's certainly unusual for a Dahlia! But looks interesting all the same!

28 Nov, 2020


The foliage is recognizable as a dahlia, but it starts later than regular dahlias. It can be confused for D. imperialis, but that stays evergreen for me, and this one will eventually die back. D.i. and D.c. are currently both in flower for me.

28 Nov, 2020

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Pictures by wylieintheazores
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This photo is of species Dahlia campanulata.

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