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Daylily - 'Divine Light'

Daylily - 'Divine Light'

Some of the daylilies are opening like it was summer.

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Pretty. I've actually got some Daylilies in bloom now, here in the U.K. Strange Year!

12 Dec, 2020


Mine just never seem to stop, although this year they are doing better at keeping their color since it has gotten colder.

12 Dec, 2020


Beautiful Daylily, Wylie! I like it very much!

14 Dec, 2020


Wylie, I've now got H. Navajho Princess with buds forming and 2 other varieties out of season. Must be the warmer periods, but not warm enough for intense colour on any flower? I wonder wether to cut of the stalks to retain their strength for normal flowering time?

16 Dec, 2020


It is not necessary to prevent flowering. Mine do it all winter and continue the rest of the year just fine. Navajo Princess is a nice one. It's bloom season is Mid-Late, so it might be just reblooming.

16 Dec, 2020


Thank you, for the advice, but I think the flower colour might be very poor.

17 Dec, 2020

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