Yellow Cymbidium
By Siris

17 Jan, 2021
I've had this Cymbidium several years. This tub has 5 flower spikes and I have another pot with 2 flowers spikes, from the same plant.
Comments on this photo
Klahanie, My Cymbidiums live in my cool conservatory which only has frost protection. It went down to 2oC on a couple of nights recently. They don't seem to mind.
In summer I hang the tubs outside as they don't like too high a temperature, maybe that is your problem. I liquid feed in summer irregularly, that is when I remember.
18 Jan, 2021
That is beautiful please tell me is there a certain time of the year when they should be in flower ... my flowers died off last autumn ..
19 Jan, 2021
Khalanie, our conservatory faces N.E. but has a clear polycarbonate roof, so is bright but never sunny. I take them outside when it starts to get too hot in there, under the carport which doesn't get direct sunlight either.
Thank Amy. Flowering time depends on which Orchid species you've got. I've a couple of terrestrial Orchid which flower late summer then go dormant.
This yellow Cymbidium is reliably the first to flower often before Christmas, I've pink and whitish ones which are alway later, just coming into bud now. Also I bought a couple of Cymbidium crosses which flower late spring/summer.
Ps, I don't do Phalenopsis cause too cold in the conservatory nowhere to put them inside and I neglect them.
19 Jan, 2021
Thanks Sue I'll have to put a photo on next time mine flowers I don't know what it is ,it was given to me by a friend , it was her husbands hobby they moved and have since passed on ...
19 Jan, 2021
Absolutely beautiful!!! Love the colours.
19 Jan, 2021
KLAHANIE, if you look carefully at my pic, on the right is a black pipe of my auto timed water system. (Waters all my conservatory plants). It comes on once a week in the winter for 20 mins but the nozels are turned right down on the Orchids so get only about 100ml. I do however give a cup of water with a few drops of bloom feed about once a fortnight. (Water on Wednesdays, feed on Fridays)
In summer they get watered perhaps 3x a week in their hanging tubs outside, till the water runs out of the holes round the bottom edge. (The Orchid compost dries out so rapidly)
Yes, AMY, do show us a pic when your Orchid flowers. What a nice gift to remember them by.
20 Jan, 2021
You are welcome Kalanie, I would add I think it's important not to overwater. My tubs have a platform at the bottom, so the Cyms don't sit in pools of water.
22 Jan, 2021
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That is very beautiful and obviously very happy.
17 Jan, 2021