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Major Winter Storm in NY

Major Winter Storm in NY

talk about lockdown... All forms of traveling is banned, except emergency vehicles.

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I read about this coming at you, Paul. What a year already!

1 Feb, 2021


Brrr looks bitterly cold but makes a nice scene. I can see why only emergency vehicle's are allowed when vehicles slide and skid into each other.

1 Feb, 2021


Roll on spring ,

2 Feb, 2021


Hope it won't last too much longer Paul . . .

2 Feb, 2021


Thank you! It's just crazy. I didn't see this coming. I guess I should turn on the TV once in a while. This explains why the supermarket was super busy the other day.

2 Feb, 2021


My word you have had a blasting of snow. We might get some next week. It's a super sunny day today.

3 Feb, 2021


I hope you don't get this storm Linda. It's just starting to lift now after 3 days of severe conditions and we are in meltdown. Good Times!

3 Feb, 2021


Do you have snowshoes or skis to get about on Paul?

4 Feb, 2021


I hope my eskimo boots hold up.

4 Feb, 2021


Years ago when we had the smallholding at another village near here, and we had a terrible lot of snow one winter, Gerry went and got me some plastic snowshoes to wear so that I could go and sort the animals out. I gave them a very deep bed of straw. We had no electric as the soft snow lay on the cables and sparked them, so I milked by candlelight, and got water from the little stream at the end of the land to take to the stable for the goats, and to flush the toilet with as our water wasn't available for nearly 3 days. Gerry got water from his work in a large plastic container. We used the camping gas light and stove as well, until the electric went on again.

5 Feb, 2021


Sounds like the life of a pioneer Linda. Have you ever read about the history of the Oregon Trail back in the 1840's? That life sounds pretty close to what you describe. I could imagine how elated you felt just to flush the toilet again or flip on a light switch - a test of endurance?

5 Feb, 2021


It shows one how grateful to be for all the unseen work that goes into keeping our supplies going Paul.

5 Feb, 2021


Yes for sure and shows how fragile everything is. A little anomaly can cause such mayhem. Last year a tree branch fell and took out my electricity, internet and telephone in one fell swoop. The utility took 5 days to repair the wires and restore service. It was horrible. I was suddenly cast into complete isolation. I had the tree cut down.

5 Feb, 2021


You have to survive the best you can Paul when these circumstances arise. You certainly did that, and looks like you did the sensible thing it having the tree taken down. We have so many things that we rely on now with technology, if we suddenly get something happen like you've described, some things fly out the window, especially today with the covid around, especially when a lot of folks rely on keeping their jobs by working from home on their computers and zoom meetings etc.

6 Feb, 2021


We have snow here Paul curtisy of storm Darcy, but nothing like the amount which you have. So far this winter seems to breaking all sorts of records. First Covid then the weather, it makes you wonder what else nature has in store for us. Perhaps she's just getting her own back for the mess we're making of this beautiful planet of ours. I've been watching 'Perfect Planet' with David Attenborough over the past 4 weeks, it certainly gives food for thought.

8 Feb, 2021


I have to agree with you Julia about the state of things around here and our dying planet. In some sense. I enjoy the snow. It gives me a sense of normalcy if that makes any sense. It precludes any chance of drought in the summertime as proven in years past when we got no or little snow, a ration was put on water use and fines were issued if you were caught watering your lawn or garden. We were also advised to shower together and share the bath water. Ugghh! I don't want that again.

I enjoy David Attenborough's documentaries. He's my favorite narrator and his passion is infectious.

8 Feb, 2021


I have to say, thiswinter hasbeen far morelike thekind of winterswe used to have when I was a child. Around the beginning of November...if not mum would make sure we had plenty of stores in eg, flour, dried fruit, sugar, tinned food etc...I don't remember us ever running out of anything, but I do remember the wonderful smell of homebaked bread two or three times a week. The best tea ever was warm bread and butter with homemade jam, heaven. I can't see the kids of this day and age being happy with that!

I so agree with you re; David Attenborough. If I were able to invite any four celebrity guests to dinner he would have to be on my list along with Betty Boothroyde. Richard would also like to invite Lee Mack to introduce a dash of humour and Judi Dench to balance things up...what do you think?

13 Feb, 2021


Nothing lifts the spirits like homemade chicken soup along with homemade crusty bread & butter on a cold snowy winter day. Jam & bread with tea and a good book is medicine for the soul. I heard of Judi Dench, but I'm not familiar with Betty. I love and admire Nicole Kidman & Glenn Close. Meryl Streep is up there too. They are lovely ladies and extremely talented actors and captivating on the screen - a rare quality these days. I haven't seen a good movie in ages.

There's nothing worse than going to a crappy, boring movie with marginal talent especially considering the cost to go - over $50.00 for 2 with a cup of soda & popcorn. I remember when movie tickets were only $3.50 and often you got a double feature so it didn't hurt so much if the movie was disappointing. Those days are gone. LOL sorry for the ramble.

13 Feb, 2021

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