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new wall. and planter...


By Lori

new wall. and planter...

another course of blocks and some cap stones...and plant up the planter...then redig the bed and transplant from the front bed...lots of work ahead.

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Anothet project Lori. You are always doing something new,

15 Aug, 2008


Nice to see how it develops.

15 Aug, 2008


You are wearing me out just thinking about It Lori...hahaha !

16 Aug, 2008


Lovely sized planter - what will you put in there?

16 Aug, 2008


Such energy. Wish I was young again (sometimes!). Feel the planter is needing something which trails maybe with a central upright...?...just a thought.

16 Aug, 2008


hahahah...err....LOL.!! Thanks, Magnoliatree... I love it when people think I'm a young thing. Not sure that you were inferring that I was young because you wished you were "young again". Somedays my head says I'm still in my twenties... but most days, my body reminds me that I'm no spring chicken!! LOL. I've been redigging beds and moving perennials around and right this moment the planter has a stella d'oro daylily in it...til I can find a proper spot for it. Time is getting I may just find something annual to pop in.

16 Aug, 2008


What a great start to your project. Most of my new projects are still forming in my mind's eye!

20 Aug, 2008


That is entirely the right attitude, Ggnome...let it cook for awhile... best ideas come while you're doing something sleeping or showering!!lol.

20 Aug, 2008


Oh how exciting Lori, i love new projects..Dee..

22 Aug, 2008

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