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Dove in Sentry Palm

Dove in Sentry Palm

This dove made a nest in the Sentry palm in my backyard. Now, it’s gone...probably because of crows or rats. Poor Dove! Photo taken April 6, 2021.

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sadly that is the way of the world.
lovely picture though.

3 May, 2021


Yes, we have a huge rate problem here in San Diego, unfortunately! My neighbor puts out tons of rat poison. I’ve had to do the same in the past even though I hate putting out poison. It can kill the good, beneficial animals, also.

3 May, 2021


It’s a smashing pic, Andy...what a real shame. I hate to watch or see any trauma to wildlife...I know it happens, but, I like to pretend it doesn’t.

3 May, 2021


That's a superb photo Andy!

4 May, 2021


Thanks! It was easy to take, it’s only 5 1/2 ft off the ground.

5 May, 2021


The crows and rats destroy the hummingbirds’ nests, also. In January the hummingbirds make nest everywhere.

5 May, 2021


That's what I did when a few sewer rats got into my basement through an open pipe. Dang those things are huge & ugly! You wouldn't think they can shimmy through a 2 inch pipe. I hunted and slayed each one of them like I was Freddy Krueger then buried them out in the tomato patch. The D-Con slowed them down enough. That's the way to go.

Unfortunately Doves aren't very swift. Last summer I had a nest of robins in my black spruce right at eye level. I would check on them every day & mama was OK with me getting close to take pictures. Then an extremely violent thunderstorm came through and the nest was blown sky high. Later mama came looking for her babies, but everything was gone & she just stared at me. It was very sad how she looked at me. But they usually produce 2 or 3 broods in one season. That one was a total write off.

6 May, 2021


Ewww! Dealing with rats is horrible!

Yes, doves are short on brains. Lol

13 May, 2021



13 May, 2021

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