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Stromanthe Flower

Stromanthe Flower

My Stromanthe is starting to flower. Photo taken May 29, 2021.

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Beautiful tropical pink colour! Looking forward to seeing it in full open bloom!

30 May, 2021


That looks promising.

30 May, 2021


This is lovely! I think it is known as 'Prayer Plant' here in the UK.

2 Jun, 2021


It will look very Heliconia like. Great show plants. I've got two that used to be one..I divided them and one went into the ground and I just transplanted it to more shade because the tree pruning put in too much sun. The other is in a pot.
Its been a couple of years since they bloomed. I just didnt water them enough in the front yard. Now in back,I hope they return to glory!

2 Jun, 2021


It’s a tropical plant. It hasn’t bloomed in a long time. I think it’s only bloomed a few times in the 13 years I’ve owned it…it’s been very neglected outside for years.

3 Jun, 2021



It’s in the same family as the prayer plants.

3 Jun, 2021



This plant doesn’t get as much water as it needs. It also loves shade. It desperately needs to be transplanted.

3 Jun, 2021

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