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Tall Kentias and Carnary Island Date Pams

Tall Kentias and Carnary Island Date Pams

These are very old palms on the big court yard of the Coronado Hotel. The Kentia palms are more than 60 ft (19 m) tall and the big Canary Island Palm is probably 85 ft (26 m) tall. Photo take Sunday May 30, 2021.

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The Coronado is like an oasis of exotica. The gigantic Canary Island Drago might not be the very largest in socal but its the most impressive looking I've seen..from photos.

7 Jun, 2021


Very impressive looking trees! 😃

7 Jun, 2021


Today on the news the mayor of Oakland was speaking in front of some old office building and in the grounds were palms,including the tallest Howea I've seen in the bay area it must have been near 40' tall. Also a Majesty palm with at least 10' of trunk. Since the story had already started when I saw it,I missed the exact location.
Anyways I thought Delonix might find that interesting.

11 Jun, 2021



It may be the old veteran’s building by Lake Merritt (which is very close to the Oakland Palmetum). I heard from an old Palm Society member those Howeas were planted in the late 1940’s. These Howeas weren’t even fazed in the 1990 freeze. I remember seeing them right after the freeze. I’m guessing they should be 40 to 50 ft tall by now.

11 Jun, 2021

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