The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Anget


I don't have much luck with keeping these. Usually the slugs have their breakfast on them before they get to any size. Ever optimistic, I try to grow some every year. This one is a survivor, a beautiful dark blue (with "Hagley Hybrid' just starting to flower behind.)
In the narrow bed between us and the neighbours' drive.

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I have a similar coloured one. I have a couple of pacific giants, one is over 6ft tall.

17 Jun, 2021


They are covetable plants, SBG, but I think the slugs covet them even more than I do!

17 Jun, 2021


I have this one too Anget ! Not been eaten yet! ( crossing my fingers)!

18 Jun, 2021


It’s a very pretty colour too. I hope they survive for you..very nicely sited.

18 Jun, 2021


Thanks, both.

19 Jun, 2021


Well, Anget..I shouldn't have spoken too soon ! The delphiniums didn't get eaten, but the torrential rail knocked them over!

19 Jun, 2021


We've been away for a couple of days so haven't looked at mine since we got back, Rose; must go and check. 'You-know-who's' law, isn't it?

20 Jun, 2021


So right! Haha!

21 Jun, 2021

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