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Yet more orange.


By Anget

Yet more orange.

A second alstro. 'Louis', an intense orange-red.

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Ive just read the name Louis snd realise i have had this for 8? years and didn't realize its a spreader, at least hasn't for me. Hope it doesn't.

29 Jun, 2021


Gorgeous and zingy! Reminds me of one of my patients from years back, they used to give me cut alstroemerias when in bloom! Fond memories…

29 Jun, 2021


I do love alstroes, my Indian Summer is late but full of buds getting ready to open, I have summer breeze too but the dog has trampled the tallest stem with buds on, little monkey running after a blackbird grrr

29 Jun, 2021


Siris, this one doesn't spread (so far). The first pic. is a different unnamed variety - I suspect that one is the species spreader, although it wasn't supposed to be. I bought it as a red variety (From dry-rooted packet) This is a cracker (in all senses!).

Oh, Kate, you obviously have had some lovely patients in your working life.

Who'd have pets, eh D'lily? My cats are just as bad! My I.S. hasn't flowered yet, either.

30 Jun, 2021


Love the colours Ange, wish I could grow them, but for whatever reason, not the right garden..

1 Jul, 2021


I've lost a few but I have 4 (all orange and yellow variations, funnily enough) which have decided to stay with me.

1 Jul, 2021



1 Jul, 2021


Thanks Ange, I certainly have some lovely memories..x

2 Jul, 2021

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