Anigozanthos flowerhead (pic for Klanhie)
By Siris
- 7 Aug, 2021
A green flowering hybrid of flavidus? The flowers are not opening all together, the early one are closing as new ones open. Think this is as good as it gets! OH holding a card so the flowerhead doesn't melt into the back ground.
Comments on this photo
Gosh,THORNEY, did you grow from seed? Ive kept mine inside the conservatory. Where fid you keep yours?
KHALANIE, I must look back at your photos to see your pic, sometime.
8 Aug, 2021
Interesting looking plant :)
9 Aug, 2021
Thank you KHALANIE, your plant's flowers do look yellow, same shape as mine with 'missing' petal on the bottom edge. My plant definately stays green but with a red rim edge.and all flowers have the 'missing petal.
HYWEL, Interesting yes, you would not call it beautiful, adapted for some surtival purpose.
Enlargement pic to follow.
9 Aug, 2021
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This photo is of species Anigozanthos (flavidus? (Tall kangaroo paw).
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This photo is of "Anigozanthos (flavidus?)" in Siris's garden
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The winter did for mine but I've planted new seeds. Here's hoping.
7 Aug, 2021