The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Solitary lily flower


By Kate123

Solitary lily flower

Our little fish pond…our one lonely lily! This lily will be removed and we’ll plant another in the pond. The water goes underneath the deck bridge so the fish can hide easily.

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It all looks very tranquil, Kate. Is the lily too big?

19 Sep, 2021


Thanks Ange, that’s kind. It’s outgrown it’s pot in the pond and there’s been fewer pads this year.

19 Sep, 2021


When we had a pond in an earlier garden I bought what was supposed to be a white miniature. I ended up with a peach thug that took over the whole surface. No idea what it was but broke my heart to put it on the compost heap as it was such a beauty. Sometimes we have to be hard-hearted!

19 Sep, 2021


Lovely atmospheric photo …

19 Sep, 2021


Julia, we have had successful lily plants in the past, this one has been quite poor. So, we will look for another to replace this one next year.
It’s not a big pond and it only has 10 goldfish, including the hidden area under the deck bridge, it’s 6 feet by 4 feet and 2 feet deep.
Thank Sheila, that’s kind, pleased you like!

19 Sep, 2021


Love your water lily and the wooden decking - very tranquil

20 Sep, 2021


Thank you, Paul, Klahanie and Paul! Your feedback is most kind! You’ve all made me quite chuffed!

20 Sep, 2021

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