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Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki'

Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki'

In front of OH's shop

Comments on this photo


Ooh Klahanie, what a beauty! I love it. Is it in shade or a sunny position? How old is it please?

21 Oct, 2021


Thank you Klahanie for the information. I'm having a raised bed put in on the shady side of my garden and would love one or two acers.
I have ferns and hellebores to transplant, but need some height. I suppose I would have to buy well established trees, or another type that is faster growing. I can enjoy your photos..:))

21 Oct, 2021


Absolutely beautiful!!!!!
The colour is just outstanding!
One of my favourite plants in our garden, I have to admit...

21 Oct, 2021


It’s certainly a special one Klahanie. When our garden was landscaped three years ago, Sam (the landscaper) offered to get me an Acer Osakazuki saying that he put one into every garden he built. Ours was happy for a while, but he forgot to say ‘never let it dry out’ and now ours looks very sad.

Janey - well worth a try - they are not too fussy so long as they are sheltered (but you knew that!) 🙂.

27 Oct, 2021


Oooh thanks Klahanie … it has to be worth a try 🙂.

27 Oct, 2021

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