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White Bat Flower Painting

White Bat Flower Painting

Beverly Allen: White Bat Flower. Tacca integrifolia Ker Gawl

I finally painted this plant after nurturing it for many years, loving it just for its fabulous leaves. When it finally flowered in a spectacular fashion, well… ‘wonderful’ was the motivation.

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I had no idea you painted Paul, and with such talent. This is beautiful

24 Oct, 2021


What a beautiful painting, such delicate and intricate detailing.

24 Oct, 2021


Thank you Julia & Kate. It's a fabulous painting but Beverly Allen is the botanical artist for the art exhibit at the Botanical Garden.

24 Oct, 2021


That's a very good piece of art. I have a friend who paints plants and flowers. The artist must have a very steady hand and a good eye for detail, and must really study the subject well for a picture like that.

25 Oct, 2021


Oops my mistake. It's still very beautiful.

25 Oct, 2021


Now I want to grow a bat flower. I have no idea how to get one. lol

25 Oct, 2021

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