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Dahlia campanulata

Dahlia campanulata (Dahlia campanulata)

AKA 'The Weeping Tree Dahlia'. A Tall (over 6') dahlia that blooms in late fall. A feature is the blooms that hang down. Unfortunately, this is not one for a windy spot and requires massive staking.

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That is different. I do like, more refined than some of those big blousy blooms.

3 Nov, 2021


I wonder how many of us would have identified it as a Dahlia?? (I wouldn't anyway) Its a real beauty isn't it?

3 Nov, 2021


Just driving by, you would never guess Dahlia, but seen from below the flowers and leaves are that of a regular one, only it is so huge.

4 Nov, 2021


That's so dainty! As you say, I'd never have guessed it was a Dahlia.

4 Nov, 2021


Did you know that there are 37 species of Dahlias! This one also has huge tubers. I had dug up a piece last year to share with a friend, and the tuber was about 18" long. I just got seeds for D. tenuicaulis, which is supposed to be bigger than the D. imperialis.

4 Nov, 2021


I wouldn't have guessed it was a Dahlia either! I've never seen this specie but I have heard of it. Very nice flowers & looking at the photo again I can see it is a species of Dahlia.

9 Nov, 2021

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Pictures by wylieintheazores
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This photo is of species Dahlia campanulata.

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