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Merry Christmas,Hanukkah, Kwanzaa. All bases covered!


By Stan510

Merry Christmas,Hanukkah, Kwanzaa. All bases covered!

I didn't buy a Poinsettia this year. But how about a California Mango flushing leaves on Christmas Eve?

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Happy holidays to you too, Stan! 😀
I think your Californian mango with its very lovely pink leaves is a pretty alternative!

25 Dec, 2021


Lol! I'm old fashioned : Happy Christmas!

26 Dec, 2021


Back to all of you and GOY. The years here have flown by. I told the wife leave the tree and decorations up. These days it's more like days between Christmas not months. In fact it explains why I do more pruning than planting..time is on speed dial..

26 Dec, 2021



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Your mango tree looks awesome! I know it’s been very rainy up there the last few weeks. It’s been the same here in San Diego. Warm and dry weather is returning now. Yay!

1 Jan, 2022


We are between rains up north. I was surprised to see yesterday that the Mango leaves are still growing. I thought the cold of late December would put a stop to that.
It is really hard to predict what they do in my climate...grow,fruit..everything can be different from the year before.
Part of the fun.

1 Jan, 2022


It’s been pretty chilly here the last few mornings, in the low 40’s. I saw it was very cold up there the last few mornings, also. Is it affecting your mango tree?

5 Jan, 2022


It mushed some of the reds. Surprisingly,not all and none of the hardened leaves. Three mid 30's and last month a 37f..takes a toll on plants that were seeing 73f December 1st.

5 Jan, 2022


The tree will come even stronger in a few months.

9 Jan, 2022


It's gotten worse looking. But no branch dieback,just top leaves look beat up. Other plants that usually turn black in a frost,like Wigandia, looks good.

10 Jan, 2022


It’ll come back strong once spring comes.

My mango in the ground looks like it’s going to put out new growth very soon. It’s been pretty consistently in the 70’s the last few weeks.

20 Jan, 2022


We are in a nice warm up. 65f or so and sun. But,some plants have taken a bit of of leaf damage that wasn't showing until now. Pandanus does not like 32.2 for one hour as my local WU station history reads. Jan 1st at 7am it was 35F..but by 8am it had sunk to 32.2. One hour short of a 10b winter and better foliage. Well,at least they grow out of it. I never count on 10b..I hope,but don't count on it!

21 Jan, 2022

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