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On Days like this?

On Days like this?

Nothing does it like hot coffee. It just tastes better.

Comments on this photo


That's a beautiful scene, Paul. Very quiet, soft snow underfoot...
Definitely agree, once you've had a walk out in the cold, crisp's time for a warm, comforting hot drink.

9 Jan, 2022


Makes me feel cold looking at it! Very pretty, but keep warm!

9 Jan, 2022


How depressing is that ??
I hope the coffee cheered you up :)

9 Jan, 2022


Thank you all. Luckily I'm set up remotely so that I can work from home.

9 Jan, 2022


Thanks Klahanie, but I could use a little hiatus from the garden and there is something serene and quieting about the snow - at least in the beginning. By March i'll be tired of it and will see the first flowers start to appear.

10 Jan, 2022


Haven't seen any photos lately Paul, especially of Felix. How's he doing and are you surviving your weather o.k. Hope all's well....

3 Feb, 2022

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