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Gift From a friend

Gift From a friend

Both items were gifted from a friend so I thought I’d keep them together. She has a brilliant sense of humour, mostly sarcasm.

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Lucky you. I never get presents for my garden unless I buy them myself :(

11 May, 2022


Oh no that’s not good. It’s usually the way for me so you aren’t alone like you said I was lucky on this occasion :)

11 May, 2022


Lovely gift and the message So true! My little bee house still has sealed openings, the baby bees should have emerged by now. I'm wondering if that hot spell we had was too much for them :((

13 May, 2022


Thank you Janey. Oh no, hopefully they are ok. I must learn more about insects and how to help them, I have a few insect hotels scattered about the garden but I don’t know if they are getting used or it’s just debris that’s floated into them.

13 May, 2022

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