Red Tailed Hawk

17 Aug, 2008
This year we had a Hawk's nest in our front (woods) yard. Incredible birds to watch.
Comments on this photo
17 Aug, 2008
Great Pic :)
17 Aug, 2008
you are right fabulous birds to see in the wild where they belong
17 Aug, 2008
be mindful of the kittens when hawks are nearby..
18 Aug, 2008
Your sooooo right!!! I was having an iced tea on the front porch in early summer when I watched a hawk scoop up a mouse or chipmunk from the drive. The kittens stay indoors to be safe.
18 Aug, 2008
We get a lot of these in the fall along the highways. They are fascinating birds, you are so lucky to have a pair nest so close.
18 Aug, 2008
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What a priviledge to have them so close.
17 Aug, 2008