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Another mingle (+ watering can)!


By Anget

Another mingle (+ watering can)!

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Loving the pretty pinks here, Ange! Romantic styled gardening.

21 Jun, 2022


Thanks, Kate. When I can get through the rock-hard soil, I must do some refereeing in that area. Nothing stops the weeds growing, though!

22 Jun, 2022


Lovely mix Anget. Have you got clay soil?

4 Jul, 2022


Yes, Linda. I have been digging today and I could do with a pick axe. Not much rain here and what does fall barely penetrates...

4 Jul, 2022


We had clay soil when we lived down the road on the lower section of the garden and so I added bagged horse manure and mushroom compost to the soil.

4 Jul, 2022


I could take out shares in compost makers, Linda! the garden gets 2 lots of shop-bought or home-made compost each year. That doesn't include all the spent compost from pots. We can't see an appreciable difference although I suppose there must be one!!

5 Jul, 2022


I suppose all one can do is put some in the holes where we plant things Anget.

5 Jul, 2022

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