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Palms and Ti.


By Stan510

Palms and Ti. (Cordyline terminalis (Dracaena))

I thought i had posted this back in summer..but here it is.

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All the plants are looking awesome!

The king and Kentia look great, too!

My Kentia palm is 17 years in the ground and it’s the same size as yours. How old is your Kentia?

13 Nov, 2022


I can feel the warmth right over here! Could be my log burner though!
Looks a lovely tropical collection of shapes and colours, Stan.

13 Nov, 2022


Thanks Kate. It's sunny but a bit on the cool side this time of year here. We might hit 65f in a couple of days..get me to do some potted plant moving around in the fake spring..

13 Nov, 2022


We made it to 70F..pretty good warmth for this time of year. Everybody come visit! Orange-lol.

16 Nov, 2022



What’s the palm in the lower right corner?

It was 75 degrees here today, tomorrow a little warmer. But, overall cooler than normal here.

17 Nov, 2022


That's just a Butia.Soon it will have the typical recurved fronds.

17 Nov, 2022


It has some kind of ice plant who's name escapes me for now, trailing out of the pot and in summer fills with pink blooms. Otherwise its a silver-gray color foliage.
Andy, a sunny 65 or so the next ten days. Warm enough to get the gardening blood warmed over-ha. Might do some potting up,and pot weeding for sure.

17 Nov, 2022


The Butia looks pretty exotic. Lol

Low 80’s here for Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

19 Nov, 2022


70f For Turkey day and the day after. Just mild and sunny lately. The rains have stopped for the short term but i read the end of the month might open the storm door. We will see.

20 Nov, 2022


Yes, very nice, dry weather for Thanksgiving. Maybe next Wednesday rain and only upper 60’s here.

22 Nov, 2022


Well,I can see how Mangoes would grow all year in San Diego...or close to it. I've been gardening like its spring, only moving potted plants from spots that were in hot summer sun and now with long shadows were in too much shade. In spring its reverse-ha.

22 Nov, 2022


My mango tree looks like it may be setting flower spikes, already.

29 Nov, 2022


Yeah,I moved potted plants around and threw my back out!.any nurses out there?
That was one heavy Rhapis palm..

3 Dec, 2022



I’m so sorry to hear about your back! It’s happened to me, also. 😞

The last 4 days have been beautiful! It’s been in the upper 60’s to low 70’s. But, we were jipped out of all the rain the forecasters were predicting here. Not one drop of rain here. I heard the SF Bay Area got a lot of rain the last 4 days.

5 Dec, 2022


Rained all night and then day to soak everything. Its rare to get rains that last all day since the various droughts started in the early 2000's. More to come until mid month is the call. Temps are well below normal...55F - 60f at best.

5 Dec, 2022


That’s great you’re getting rain up there. I wish SD would receive some rain!

Yesterday (Sunday) at 1:00 pm it was raining and only 49 degrees in Hayward. It was 72 degrees here at the same time. An amazing temperature difference!

6 Dec, 2022


The high where my bro in law lives was 82f that day. He even sent a photo of a huge clump of banana he had just cut. Heck,the first few days of December they had LOWS of 74f.
At least I get a break from watering the potted plants and yard..that's the nice part of December. As cold as it got even the banana's here are still green leaved.
I should go see how the creeks are running in the hills...Dry creek shouldn't be dry now-ha

6 Dec, 2022


That’s very warm, even for south Florida.

I was reading and watching videos on Soursop trees. I was surprised that people in Miami cover their trees and the trees loose most or all of their leaves in winter, like in San Diego. It takes the same amount of time for the soursop fruit to ripen as in San Diego, 9 to 10 months. I guess only in the true tropics it takes 6 to7 months for the fruit to ripen.

6 Dec, 2022


He has some tropical fruit trees,Plumeria. He's in Wellington Florida. Like living in a greenhouse. 80's in the day,70f all night and that's December.

6 Dec, 2022


That’s way too hot. I don’t think I would do well in hot, humid Florida! I would melt! 🤣

8 Dec, 2022


Melt or bit by mosquitos. Or Croc!

8 Dec, 2022


The bugs are another horrible story!!! 😂

The big roaches, spiders and bugs are bad enough here! 😆

9 Dec, 2022

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