Mangifera indica - Flowering Mango
By Delonix1

12 Apr, 2023
This flowering mango looks great! The above rainfall and below normal temps didn’t seem to faze it. My big mango is full of anthracnose from this horrible weather this year. Photo taken Easter Sunday April 9, 2023 in downtown San Diego.
Comments on this photo
Despite the cool spring I see flower buds juuuust forming on my largest Mango.Might be a month or more before they look like your photo.
17 Apr, 2023
Now this is something I'd love to have in my garden!
21 Apr, 2023
Hopefully, you’ll get a good fruit-set and many mangoes!
22 Apr, 2023
It’s always very nice to grow fresh mangoes. Mango trees (many varieties) are very susceptible to anthracnose, though. Home-grown mangoes are the best!
22 Apr, 2023
The smaller Champagne Gold has a few flowers on it I see. Its growing much more shrubby than the taller Manila. Actually a nicer looking plant too with darker foliage and when it flushes they are blood red. Still,super marginal for production. But a few off the tree in September on a hot day is nice to have.
25 Apr, 2023
I wish you the best of luck with mango 🥭 production this year! I know it’s been a really bad year weather wise.
My mango tree has so many flower spikes and is flowering right now. I cut some branches back with flowers. I’ll probably cut most or all the flowers off.
28 Apr, 2023
Thanks Andy!
btw ,I gave the trees their first watering of the year. That's how wet it has been. Even might rain again next week.
28 Apr, 2023
I’ve been watering the last two weeks or so. It’s drying up here. But, we are expecting some rain next week Wednesday or Thursday along with cooler than normal temps. It’s been pretty nice over the last week, but not as hot as originally forecasted.
29 Apr, 2023
It rained last night. Not much, maybe a quarter inch. My Bottle palm shocked me Andy, a new frond is opening.
2 May, 2023
It’s going to rain here tomorrow early around 1:00 am until 11:00 am (actually, on and off showers).
Do you have a Hyophorbe lagenocaulis (Bottle Palm)?
3 May, 2023
It's a Bottle palm I've grown from seed. Sending a nice green frond out while the rest of the plant is in winter look. I got tired of indoor- outdoor to avoid winter so I just left it out two years ago and its been doing fine,if slow since.
7 May, 2023
That boggles my mind it’ll grow outside at all there. They typically die pretty quickly when temps drops constantly in the low 40’s.
12 May, 2023
Not to mention a new green frond in early May's 60's. Grown from seed and not imported already grown from Florida although the seed is from Florida.
12 May, 2023
That’s amazing! I see bottle palms growing outside here, but they’re not too common.
I just saw a nice one a few weeks ago. It looked very nice considering this cooler than normal winter.
13 May, 2023
Just to report that my largest Mango has reached flowering like in the photo- plus I see a few micro fruit already.
17 May, 2023
That’s great! Good luck!
I just posted a pic of my mango tree flowering like crazy, and it has some very small fruit on it. Not sure if it’ll hold any fruit. This is only the second time it’s flowered. It’s been in the ground for about 3 years. I cut it back a few times in those three years. I want to top it, again. It was 8 ft last year and I topped it. I want more side branches. It’s 7 ft tall right now.
19 May, 2023
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This has been a very cool winter and spring so far, so only God knows when mangoes will be ripening this year.
In good years they can ripen as early as July, but typically August - December, depending on the variety. The ones grown commercially in the Coachella Valley are late season (September - early November) on purpose (they kill the first flower blooms), because those orchards can’t compete against the cheaper mangoes coming in from Mexico in Summer.
13 Apr, 2023