Getting ready for my charity plant sale.
By Amsterdam

23 Apr, 2023
Digging up lots of self seeded perennials and split a few as well.
Comments on this photo
Ams, you are so good to do this annually ... :o))
28 Apr, 2023
As I had a year off last year, hoping we can smash record of £1000! Proceeds will be split between Shropshire & Staffordshire blood bikers and Shropshire Mind.
28 Apr, 2023
They both sound like good causes ... :o)
29 Apr, 2023
What a good thing to do! It takes patience to pot all these up, I realise. I wish you were closer - I have so many 'spares' I could pass over! Good luck this year.
10 May, 2023
Thank you Ange. It goes without saying that anyone is welcome to pop by! I’m in North Shropshire so if you’re not too far way send me a pm and I’ll give you directions. Plant sale is on Sunday 11th June, 10-2pm. For anyone coming from further a field, tea & coffee and cake plus garden tour will be provided!
10 May, 2023
Thank you, Ams, but I think it unlikely I shall be nearby: we're well away in north Wiltshire. I'll let you know if it's a possibility!
10 May, 2023
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Looks a smashing collection there, Amsterdam! I do wish you lots of luck with your charity plant sale. Its a lovely thing to do.
23 Apr, 2023