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Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum)

2 bulbs blooming at the same time. I have tried crossing these with some Hippeastrum cybister 'Chico' pollen I froze last month.

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Fantastic flowers, Wylie! 👍

I cross pollinated some Amaryllis flowers with pollen a lady sent me from the US. The few that took I saved some seeds & sent the lady some. I don't know if she ever sowed them as we never had any more contact after that.

For want of a better name I called them "Anglo-American hybrids. 👍

9 May, 2023


How did you get the pollen to remain viable while being sent through the post? I just started some seeds for Hippeastrum x johnsonii and Hippeastrum evansiae and they are just starting to have germinate.

11 May, 2023


I have no idea, Wylie! But it did remain viable & I got some bulbs to flower from the seed I saved!

That was the last time I saved & sowed my own seeds.

14 May, 2023

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