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Hebe pinguifolia 'Sutherlandii'

Hebe pinguifolia 'Sutherlandii'

Lots of white flowers this year.

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Lovely lot of flowers there. I have just had to take my one out of its pot and throw it away. It's been in there a very long time.

17 Jun, 2023


Lindak, that's a shame, but it did well for you by the sound of it!

19 Jun, 2023


It did Shirley, but I think that cold spell we had in the winter finished it off, and I thought it had done the same to my avocado pears too but they are sprouting from the bottom. Gerry has cut off all the dead wood right down to the pot, but the shoots have suddenly appeared.

20 Jun, 2023


That's good news for you.

20 Jun, 2023

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